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Do Rottweilers Howl

Last Updated on April 24, 2024 by Dr. Julie

Howling is a very common way of communication and we can notice it with many dogs, which is why some owners ask do Rottweilers howl. Howling and vocal cues aren’t the only methods of communication dogs have, which is why in today’s article, we’ll be taking a closer look at howling, determining why do dogs do it and what are some other ways of communication your dog uses!

Reasons For Howling

Howling is a form of communication dogs use as a reaction to many different things. Dogs don’t only howl for a single reason. Howling in itself is more so attributed to wolves than dogs, but all canines can howl. This doesn’t only apply to Alaskan malamutes, Rottweilers can also howl, just like some other, smaller dogs, for example, the Dachshund.

Reasons For Howling

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Reactionary Reasons

What does howling mean? That depends on the situation. Some breeds, like the aforementioned Alaskan malamutes, will howl for seemingly no reason. For them, howling is their way of expressing themselves and making sure that other people and animals know that they’re around. There are times when dogs will howl for a very specific reason.

For example, many dogs will howl at the sound of a siren! Be it an ambulance, police, or firemen, dogs will often react to these high-pitched sounds by howling. This is probably a reaction of fear – as dogs have much stronger hearing than humans, which is why to them it appears that the sirens are incredibly loud.

It’s also possible for dogs to howl as a reaction to separation anxiety. This is more common with howling breeds, but it’s possible for a Rottweiler to do the same. Essentially, your dog feels distressed when you’re apart for too long and they then howl to express that stress.

There is also the possibility that your dog is howling to express pain and distress – this will usually be combined with other symptoms of pain and discomfort.

Attention Seeking

This is a very important thing to remember – dogs are more than willing to howl, bark, and whimper just to get your attention and for you to show them some love. This behavior would be understandable if your dog was devoid of all interaction, but dogs can easily become spoiled and start looking for attention constantly.

Howling for attention is very unhealthy behavior and it’s only going to get worse if you actually respond to it. Dog behavior experts suggest that the best way to deal with this is by ignoring it. It’s best not to look at your dog or react to the howling in any way whatsoever. You shouldn’t scold the dog either – as negative attention is still attention.

You should think about rewarding your dog when it’s being quiet – dogs are used to getting treats when they do something good. Your Rottweiler certainly won’t howl if you spend enough time with them, but in case you aren’t and they’re howling just to attract you – make sure that you don’t react to the dog.

Read more about: Why Does My Rottweiler Pant So Much?

Other Forms Of Communication

Dogs are vocal animals – some breeds more than others. That’s why barking, howling, and whimpering are the most common ways of communication. One thing is certain – dogs don’t do this without good reason. If your dog is barking – it’s trying to get your attention or point you in a certain direction.

It may not even be barking at you but at something else. Either way, dogs communicate with purpose.

These vocal forms of communication aren’t the only way your dog will communicate with you. Body language is essential when it comes to understanding your dog’s behavior. To dogs, it’s even more important than it is to us, as dogs gauge one another through body language.

The positioning of a dog’s tail, ears, and entire body are the three main tells you have to keep an eye on when you’re reading your dog’s body language. Just because they’re wagging their tail doesn’t mean that they want to play or that they’re content – a dog can easily be wagging its tail while preparing for a fight.

Dogs will also communicate through physical gestures. It’s probably a well-known fact that dogs can assess the mood of a person easily, so if your dog sees that you’re sad, it will probably place its head into your lap to try and comfort you. Protective dogs will stand in front of the owner to protect them and impose themselves on the possible threat if they’re alert. These gestures are also a method of communication.

When they do communicate, dogs communicate concisely and with a purpose that’s obvious to them. When a dog is barking or howling, then they’re usually asking for immediate attention, while a dog approaching you is a more subtle hint.

Read more about: Do Rottweilers Growl when Happy?


Are Rottweilers vocal?

Most large dogs are vocal, and that includes Rottweilers. These dogs have a particularly deep and loud bark, while they can also howl very loudly (even though that behavior isn't exactly a trademark of the breed).

Do Rottweilers cry?

Rottweilers feel sadness in a very similar way to humans, but they don't exactly cry the way we do. Seeing saddened Rottweilers howling and whimpering isn't anything uncommon.

Why do Rottweilers howl?

Dogs howl for many different reasons; they might be expressing pain, starting an alarm, reacting to loud and high-pitched sounds, but they could also be looking for attention. Howling doesn't have a very specific purpose and it's more so a reaction to the dog's surroundings.

To End

Rottweilers are a vocal breed of dog and they’re not afraid to howl, but this behavior isn’t as common with them as it is with some different species. Howling is a natural reaction to many different things. For example, a dog could be howling because they’re in pain or because they heard a loud noise. Either way, it’s not something that you should discourage.

What you should discourage is howling for attention. Dogs will often do this as they become spoiled, which is why you should always ignore it. There are also other ways of communication, like barking, whimpering, body language, and body gestures.