Why Is My Rottweiler So Small?

Your rottweiler is a breed of dog that was originally used for ratting. They were bred to be small, and are known for their muscular build and glossy coat. They make great pets because they love companionship with people, especially children. Today’s Rottweilers should not be confused with the original large-headed dogs from Germany called […]
What Color Is a Rottweiler?

Rottweilers come in a variety of colors. These are the most common breeds of rottweiler: black, brown, cream and tan. The “rottweiler colors mahogany” is a color that is often associated with the Rottweiler. The color of a rottweiler’s fur can vary depending on the amount of sunlight they are exposed to. Why is my […]
How Much Do German Rottweilers Cost?

German Rottweilers are the most expensive type of dog in Germany. They can cost anywhere between $1,500 and $7,000 or more depending on their pedigree and size. If you’re interested in buying a German Rottweiler, it’s important to know what breeders charge so that you don’t have to pay too much for an overpriced pup! […]
How Much Does a Baby Rottweiler Cost?

Rottweilers are the perfect family dog. They’re not too big and they don’t shed, but they can be a bit of a handful when trying to train them into obedience as puppies. Here’s what you should know about how much rottweilers cost before buying one for your new addition! The “how much does a rottweiler […]
How High Can a Rottweiler Jump?

Rottweilers have been known to jump an incredible distance and height, reaching heights of up to 7.5 feet in just a single leap! How high can your dog jump? The “how fast can a rottweiler run” is an animal that has been around for a long time. The breed of dog is known to be […]
How Much Do Rottweiler Puppies Cost?

Rottweilers are one of the most popular breeds in the world. They have a powerful, imposing appearance and their vigilance makes them perfect guard dogs. But they’re also gentle giants that love to cuddle on laps and play with children! The “rottweiler puppies for $250” is a type of dog that can cost up to […]
How to Train Rottweiler to Attack?

Rottweilers are known for their aggressive nature and being strong. Their primary purpose is to hunt, kill and protect the family from other animals that might threaten them. Often times they’re used in training dogs because it’s difficult to train an animal using punishment alone; instead, trainers can use positive reinforcement including food rewards or […]
Rottweiler Growls when Petted?

Rottweilers are known for their aggressive behavior and the way they growl when petted. This is not their only unique trait, however. They also have a very distinctive bark that can be heard from far away! Do you know what it sounds like? The “why does my rottweiler growl so much” is a question that […]
How to Dock a Rottweiler Puppies Tail?

When docking a rottweiler’s tail, it is important to remember that you should never dock any canine’s tail unless they are fully grown and have no more than one or two puppy teeth. When the dog has finished growing into his adult body, if he still has some permanent teeth left in his mouth, then […]
At What Age Rottweiler Become Aggressive?

Rottweilers are a large and powerful breed of dog who can grow up to 18 inches tall. They have been known to be difficult as they mature, especially in their first year while they learn skills such as walking on leash and not jumping up at people or children. A Rottweiler is a breed of […]