What Are The 7 Most Common Rottweiler Diseases? This Vet’s Advice

If you’re a Rottweiler owner, or thinking of getting a Rottie, you should know the most common health issues that this breed can get. As a veterinarian with over 20 years of experience working with Rottweilers, I’m going to discuss below these issues as well as give you practical and useful advice about how to […]

Three Most Important Factors That Affect Rottweiler Head Shapes

I believe that the best part of every Rottweiler is their head shape. It gives each dog a distinctive personality and makes it easier to differentiate one dog from another in a group of Rotties. As a veterinarian who has worked with Rotties for over two decades, there are certain looks that I just prefer […]

My Rottweiler Has Osteosarcoma – Now What Do I Do?

Are Rottweilers Good Apartment Dogs

Cancer in any dog is scary and a mystery for most dog owners. Rottweilers have the misfortune of being a breed that is more likely to get certain cancers more than many other breeds. One of those cancers is found in the bones and is called Osteosarcoma. As a veterinarian who has seen many Rottweilers […]

What Are The Safest Ways To Feed My Rottweiler Puppy?

Rottweiler Puppy Chewing On A Stick

When feeding a Rottweiler puppy, it can be easy to get confused on questions like how much to feed and when to feed. As a veteirnarian with over 20 years of experience, I will guide you with answers to those questions.

50 Great Russian Names For Your Rottweiler Puppy

Among the plethora of dog names to choose from, you might be wondering what are the best Russian Rottweiler names. If this is the case, we’ve got 50 strong and striking Russian names you can name your puppy or newly adopted dog. Russian Names for Dogs Rottweilers are massive, strong, loyal, and defensive dogs. They’re […]

What Puppy Food Is Best For My Rottweiler?

Rottweiler puppy

Questions about the best puppy food for Rottweilers are a common question in my veterinary practice with good reason. There are some easily preventable health and growth issues that can be prevented by simply feeding the right diet to your puppy. Asking the right questions at the start can be the basis of a long […]

Are Apples Safe For Rottweilers To Eat?

Apples Safe For Rottweilers

It seems like such a simple question – can Rottweilers eat apples? However, there are things you need to know if you want to give your Rottie a little piece of apple. As a veterinarian with over 20 years of experience in a dog-predominant clinic, there are things that I always make sure I tell […]

Rottweilers 100 Years Ago

Rottweilers 100 Years Ago

It’s natural to wonder about Rottweilers 100 years ago – they’re one of the oldest dog breeds known to man, not to mention that they looked like a completely different dog breed back in the day. Rottweilers weren’t always the beautiful beasts we know and love today. In today’s article, we’ll be taking a historical […]

How To Make Your Rottweiler’s Head Big?

How To Make Your Rottweiler's Head Big

Rottweilers are large dogs, but some of them are slow growers and late bloomers, making owners wonder how to make your Rottweiler’s head big. Their heads are typically bulky, square, and large in comparison to their body – but reaching a head that size can take a while. In today’s article, we’ll be taking a […]

How Long Do Female Rottweilers Live?

How Long Do Female Rottweilers Live

All dog breeds have life expectancies, and those can vary between males and females. Learning how long do female Rottweilers live before you go out to get one is an important bit of information. In today’s article, we’ll be taking a look at Rottweiler’s life expectancy, whether there are any differences between genders, and learn […]