Dog House Dimensions by Breed

How Big Of A Dog House Do You Need

Different dogs have different needs, and if you’re wondering how big of a dog house do you need, know that we differ dog house dimensions by breed! It’s clear that larger dogs need larger houses, while smaller dogs can make do with smaller houses. The discussion, however, doesn’t end there. In today’s article, we’ll be […]

Why Do Rottweilers Have a Bad Reputation?

Why Do Rottweilers Have A Bad Reputation

“Why do Rottweilers have a bad reputation?” is a question that’s been beaten many times over, with few rational answers. Despite them being very obedient, trainable, and loving, many people mistake their protective instincts for dangerous behavior. Unfortunately, this leads to a skewed misrepresentation of the breed. In today’s article, we’ll take a look at […]

Are Female Rottweilers More Aggressive Than Males?

Are Female Rottweilers More Aggressive Than Males

If you’re thinking about getting a Rottie, a very common question that comes up is “Are female Rottweilers more aggressive than males?” This question, however, isn’t simple to answer at all, because every dog is unique in temperament. In today’s article, we’ll be taking a very close look at Rottweilers and their typical behavior, providing […]

Old Dogs Eating Dirt

Old Dogs Eating Dirt

Among many weird things dogs will do – it’s not uncommon to find old dogs eating dirt for no obvious reason. There can be many reasons behind this, some of which even share similarities with humans. However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take this seriously. In today’s article, we’ll take a very close look […]

My Dog Gets Hiccups a Lot

My Dog Gets Hiccups A Lot

“My dog gets hiccups a lot – is something wrong?” is not an uncommon question among worried Rottweiler owners! Hiccups occur not only with humans, but other animals too, and dogs are definitely on that list. Most of the time, they’re just a normal occurrence, but they can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying […]

Three Best Training Collars For Rottweilers

Three Best Training Collars For Rottweilers

Training collars can be very useful tools when it comes to disciplining your dog, but what are the best training collars for Rottweilers? In this article, we’ll take a deeper look into training collars, learning how they work, finding the pros and cons of using them, deciding whether your pup could benefit from a training […]

Why Do Rottweilers Lick So Much?

Why Do Rottweilers Lick So Much

Rottweilers will often loosen their tongue and lick absolutely everything, making you wonder why do Rottweilers lick so much. There is no universal answer to this question, however. There can be dozens of reasons for your dog licking everything around them, and today, we’ll be looking into every single one of them. Why Do Rottweilers […]

Dog Aggression Towards Child

Dog Aggression Towards Child

Dog aggression towards a child isn’t a common occurrence, but it does happen, potentially harming your child or yourself. Even though dogs usually flaunt the title of child protector proudly, a dog being aggressive towards a child isn’t an isolated incident. There are, unfortunately, many examples of dogs being irrationally aggressive towards kids, which is […]

Why Does Your Dog Chew The Base Of The Tail?

Why Does Your Dog Chew The Base Of The Tail

Have you noticed your dog chew the base of the tail?  Allergies, infections, pests, or injuries could be the significant causes of dog tail chewing. Since dogs do not talk like humans do, they are not able to make their needs known.  They try to communicate by showing us where it hurts or where there […]

Why Do Dogs Rub Their Face On The Ground?

Why Do Dogs Rub Their Face On The Ground

Do you wonder why dogs rub their face on the ground most times and seem to enjoy getting your carpet dirty or their faces dirty? Dog rubbing face on the ground is typical behavior among most dog breeds.  You will notice dogs rubbing their face on the carpet, dirt, floor, or other things around them.  […]