Last Updated on April 11, 2022 by

Given that Rottweilers can so easily stay in the cold without it bothering them, many owners ask do Rottweilers have an undercoat? Today, we can easily tell the difference between coat and fur, as well as short-haired and long-haired dogs. In today’s article, we’ll be taking a very close look at the coat of a Rottweiler.

Do Rottweilers Have An Undercoat?

Rottweilers actually have a double-layered coat, this is the secret behind the way them easily coping with low temperatures. This adaptation is actually quite common with working dogs, which Rottweilers are.

They have a superficial coat, sometimes a long one or a short one – it doesn’t really matter. What matters is the second coat, which is always short, below that superficial coat. This double layer allows Rottweilers to spend plenty of time in the cold without even feeling it.

However, that’s not the only thing it’s good for. Water sticks less to short coats, so it’s easier for Rottweilers to dry after swimming. Not only do they have less water on their coat, but they can also shake it off much more easily, while a shorter coat is easier to dry off with a towel.

Differences Between The Coats

The primary difference is the length. The overcoat is of medium length, while the undercoat is shorter. The outer coat is also more dense and flat. It’s also apparent that the short coat isn’t visible for the most part. It’s usually under the outer coat.

However, you’re able to feel and see the undercoat on the neck and thighs – these are the only two spots where a Rottweiler’s undercoat is exposed.

Interestingly, generations of Rottweilers living in warmer climates have acclimatized and started losing layers of their undercoat as it becomes too hot for them. This is the opposite of how they developed the undercoat.

Rottweilers were originally Roman war dogs that the Romans took to modern-day Germany during their conquests. There, they stayed and became very popular, especially in the town of Rottweil. The breed was actually named after the town.

However, since Germany is so much colder than Italy, Rottweilers developed this undercoat to help them cope with the low temperatures. Today, almost all Rottweilers have this undercoat, and it allows them to spend days in the cold without actually getting cold.

Differences Between The Coats

Learn more about: How Cold Can Rottweiler Dogs Tolerate?

Grooming and Coat Care

Rottweilers aren’t heavy shedders and they don’t need much grooming. Your dog will most likely shed seasonally, and giving it a good brush once a week is usually more than enough to take care of your dog’s hair.

There are some Rottweilers with a wavy or a long coat – this is, first of all, extremely rare. However, if your dog does have a longer coat, then you’re going to have to spend much more time taking care of them and grooming them. These pups, unfortunately, can’t compete in dog shows.

It’s also common knowledge amongst Rottweiler owners that they have sensitive skin – this usually has nothing to do with their coat, but you’re going to have to wash them regularly if your dog is more on the sensitive side. They can easily develop an allergic reaction because their skin is so sensitive.

There are dog shampoos made precisely for dogs with sensitive skin that aren’t going to irritate your dog, and they’ll also develop a shielding layer. You should, however, speak with your vet before you start using a product.

Rottweilers are naturally sturdy dogs, but they can have trouble with their coat and their skin if they spend a lot of time in dirty places. For example, if they spend a lot of time in dusty places or if they spend too much time in the nature. They can easily irritate their skin, which will in return show on their coat.

You should bathe your Rottweiler once a month, everything more than that is excessive. However, if your Rottie gets dirty a lot for whichever reason, then bathing them more often is okay.

Grooming and Coat Care

Read more about: Can You Shave A Rottweiler?

It’s also important to keep parasites away, as they’re carriers of disease. This is especially important with ticks – ticks are possibly the most dangerous animal your dog could face when you take them on a hike, which is why it’s important to use a parasite collar or something similar.

Lastly, remember to clean your dog’s face. However, not by bathing them, but rather with a wet wipe. Dogs develop eye goop which can lead to infection if you don’t take care of it fast enough.


Do Rottweilers have double coats?

Yes, Rottweilers have two layers of coat - an undercoat and an overcoat. This way, they have two layers for insulation, which means that they're rarely ever cold. Rottweilers in warmer climate have started to lose the undercoat, though.

What color is a Rottweiler undercoat?

Usually black. You can actually see the undercoat on the neck and on the thighs of the Rottweiler. Even though there's no difference in color, you can see the difference in texture when it comes to the undercoat and the overcoat.

Do Rottweilers have winter coats?

Rottweilers shed seasonally to prepare for hot summer and cold winters. Regarding that, there are differences between their summer and their winter coat. However, it's still the same coat, just renewed versions of it.

Do Rottweilers need jackets?

Jackets are completely useless to Rottweilers and they'll only get in the dog's way. The only environments in which a Rottie would need a jacket are extreme environments (Siberia, Alaska, etc.) - however, it's possible that a Rottie living there would develop a thicker coat.

To End

Rottweilers are dogs with double-layered coats that help them make it through the winter. With time, these coats have evolved to the point where Rottweilers can casually lay in the snow and spend days in the cold without actually getting cold.

They’re extremely resistant to the cold, and there are very few places on Earth where a Rottie would be uncomfortable. Additionally, you can actually see the undercoat on the neck and thighs.