Last Updated on April 24, 2024 by Dr. Julie

Different dogs have different needs, and if you’re wondering how big of a dog house do you need, know that we differ dog house dimensions by breed! It’s clear that larger dogs need larger houses, while smaller dogs can make do with smaller houses. The discussion, however, doesn’t end there. In today’s article, we’ll be analyzing your dog’s needs regarding accommodation to learn exactly how big of a house it needs!

How Big Should A Dog House Be?

Determining the size of your dog’s house means that you have to know the size of your dog. Rottweilers are massive dogs, both tall and wide. Obviously, your Rottweiler’s house will need to be large! Experts suggest that your dog’s house should be 25% longer than their length from tail to snout!

The width should be about 10% longer than your dog’s length, while your dog’s house height should be 25% longer than your dog’s height! To get all of this info, you’ll need to measure your dog. So, if you have a Rottweiler, the house should be about 34 inches tall, 52 inches long, and about 46 inches wide! There isn’t exactly a dog house calculator, but this would be the best formula to use!

Don’t worry if your Rottie is still a pup – it will grow into the house!

However, you don’t need to build your dog’s house on your own! There are many manufacturers of dog houses who already have standardized dog houses. These houses are premade for many different breeds, so you can easily buy a dog house for a Rottweiler without having to make one on your own!

You should also never buy or build a house that’s too big! Because of this, it won’t warm up properly during winter!

What Make A Good Dog House?

Dog house size isn’t the only defining element of a good dog house! Of course, it’s crucial for your dog to feel comfortable in its house, but this isn’t only defined by size. If we take Rottweilers, for example, we’ll see that these dogs like to spend their time outside. They’re large and energetic, and they don’t like being confined by houses or apartments. That’s why it’s best to let your Rottie out in the yard!

This can become a problem during the winter, however! Most people don’t like being left out in the cold during the colder seasons, so we naturally don’t like leaving our dogs out either. However, most large dogs can take the cold! Rottweilers have a double coat, which literally means a double layer of coating. This ensures that they can take low temperatures without it harming their health. Having a nice dog house can only help them cope with the cold!

dog house dimensions by breed


This is why many experts insist that a high-quality dog house will have a high level of insulation! Because of this, your dog can spend the entire winter in the house, which will be more or less warm, and it’s going to be quite comfortable! There are even instances of owners installing a heating pipe in the house, but this is more common in colder areas where temperatures drop to extremes!

Having a roof that’s completely made out of wood will help during the summer! Wood is a great insulator when it comes to sunlight, and it will retain just the right amount of heat during the summer. The opposite of wood is plastic – it’s probably the worst material you can choose when buying a house. Plastic loses its heat quickly during the winter, and it gets very hot very quickly during the summer!

Another way to stop cold from coming in and heat from coming out is using an offset door. Your dog can walk in and out freely, while the loss of heat or cold is minimal! During the summer, however, you should take this door off as the air will get stuffy, and it won’t circulate!

It’s also best to insulate your dog’s bed with a foam pad and cedar shavings! This will retain heat and it will make it more difficult for fleas to congest! You shouldn’t use the carpet for bedding, however, as it will provide a wonderful home to fleas!


It’s also smart to raise the dog house off the ground! This is good advice for two reasons. Firstly, it reduces the chances of a flea infestation greatly. Secondly, it will control the temperatures more easily – the house won’t lose its warmth during the winter or its coolness during the summer!


Placing your dog’s house can make or break the way your dog sees it and spends time in it. If you have an open garage, for example, placing a dog house there can be a great way for your dog to stay warm during the winter and stay cool during the summer. The contrast of that is putting the house in the middle of your yard. That way, the house will be completely exposed to the elements, and it will likely suffer damage.

Try to find a dry, shady spot for the dog house!

This is why it’s also smart to keep your dog’s house mobile! There’s no need to use screws to fix it to the floor or to a wall! Your dog most likely won’t tip it over, and you’ll be able to move it if you need to. Some owners install small wheels on the house that they simply take off once they set it!

In conclusion, your dog’s house should be 25% longer than your dog’s length, 10% wider than your dog’s length, and 25% taller than your dog’s height! It should never be larger than that, as it won’t warm up during winter! If you’re making the house on your own, make sure to install an offset door and elevate the house from the ground – that way the house won’t lose heat! It’s also crucial to insulate the house well so it retains heat and finds a dry spot for it so it’s not exposed to the elements. Lastly, keep in mind that you might need to move house, so try to keep it mobile if you can!

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