Last Updated on April 24, 2024 by Dr. Julie

Bloodshot eyes can be a disturbing sight to see with both humans and dogs, with many owners asking “Why are my Rottweiler’s eyes red?”. This can mean a lot of things, just the way it can mean a lot of things with humans. Sometimes it’s a symptom of something more serious, but it’s most likely nothing serious.

In this article, we’ll analyze the possible meaning behind your Rottie’s red eyes!

Why Are My Dog’s Eyes Red?

Seeing your own eyes getting red isn’t a likable sight, and we don’t like seeing it with dogs either! However, having bloodshot eyes doesn’t necessarily have to mean that your dog is ill or in any danger. A dog with red eyes can be perfectly healthy, as the bloodshot eyes can often indicate something very minor!

To explain the mechanics behind it – your dog’s eyes get red because its blood vessels infiltrate an irritating part of the eye. If you notice that one or both of your dog’s eyes are developing a redness, it’s crucial to observe it. It will most likely completely disappear within a day. However, if the redness is still there after 48 hours, it’s best to visit the vet!


dog red eyes

The most common reason for bloodshot eyes with dogs is one we actually share with them – allergies! If you’re suffering from allergies, then you’re no stranger to a runny nose, teary and red eyes. Well, these symptoms also occur with dogs when they’re having an allergic reaction.

Just like us, dogs can be allergic to dirt, dust, certain plants, animals, humans, and even other dogs!

If you notice that your dog is behaving oddly and developing red eyes in a certain environment, then your dog is probably allergic to something in that environment! When this sort of reaction happens, the allergen irritates the mucous membranes which surround the eyes – because of this, the eyes become red and watery!

If this is the case, you should definitely see the vet! They can diagnose allergies and treat them.

Injury or a foreign object

Sometimes, your dog can have a tiny object stuck in its eye, unable to take it out. If this is the case, the eye can easily irritate and become red, causing your dog to try to paw the object out.

If you notice this, definitely try to calm down your dog and inspect their eye(s) on your own. You can even use dog eyewash to try to get the object on your own, or a corner of tissue if your dog is calm enough for that. However, if the object is too unattainable for you, then you should take your dog to the vet.

This doesn’t apply to a foreign object being stuck or sticking out of your dog’s eye! If that’s the case, don’t attempt to remove it, as that’s a completely different kind of trauma. Take your dog to the vet immediately!

Dry eye

This is another relatively painless and minor problem. Dry eye is a condition that rarely occurs in dogs, but it isn’t impossible. It essentially means that your dog isn’t lubricating its eyes properly. The cause for this is, believe it or not, lack of tears. This causes your dog’s eyes to become red!

You’ll recognize this by your dog developing a lot of mucus around the eyes alongside the redness, while they also become prone to infections.

Once again, it’s best to take your dog to visit the vet, with regular dog eyewash being enough to keep your dog’s eyes lubricated.

There is also a myth that a dog with bloodshot eyes is under stress. There is no study to prove this, and it’s actually more common for dogs to have a wide-eyed gaze when they’re stressed!


This illness, also known as “pink eye”, is something that should be taken seriously as it’s not uncommon with dogs! What happens is that your dog’s mucous membranes get inflamed. These membranes line the inner eyelids, but even more importantly, they line the whites of the eyes. This part is called the conjunctiva, hence the name of the illness.

The conjunctiva swells and becomes red, often following with discharge. What’s concerning is that conjunctivitis is often a symptom of a more serious underlying problem. If you notice any of these symptoms, make sure to contact your vet as soon as possible!


Another one of the ‘more serious’ illnesses on this list, glaucoma is essentially a buildup of pressure in the eye. Rottweilers, however, aren’t known as a breed that’s prone to developing glaucoma. The development of this pressure can happen suddenly – within weeks, or very slowly – through the years.

If your dog has developed glaucoma, you’ll definitely know it – this is a very painful state and you’ll notice obvious symptoms of pain. Additionally, your dog will develop redness of the eyes and the membrane surrounding the eyes, decreased appetite, and a general lack of energy. It’s also likely that the eye will develop a swelling! It’s not common for glaucoma to instantly appear in both eyes, but it can eventually do that.

If this happens, it’s crucial to take your dog to the vet urgently! Glaucoma is very serious and it can lead to blindness if you don’t treat it on time! The most common course of treatment is medication for the eye(s), but if it’s too advanced, it may require surgery or even removal.

dog bloodshot eyes stress

In conclusion, we’d like to point out that these more serious illnesses are rarer amongst dogs. If your Rottweiler has red eyes, it’s most likely just got some dust in them! It’s also possible that it has some sort of allergic reaction or a foreign body in the eye. Illnesses like conjunctivitis and glaucoma, although possible, aren’t as nearly as common as your everyday allergy!

Whatever happens, remember to stay calm, observe your dog’s eyes and their behavior over the next 48 hours, and call the vet if their eyes are still red after that time. However, your dog is most likely going to be perfectly fine!

Read more about When Do Rottweiler Puppies Open Their Eyes?