Symptoms Of Rottweiler Hip Dysplasia

Symptoms Of Rottweiler Hip Dysplasia

Rottweilers are no exception to hip dysplasia, making many owners wonder what are the symptoms of Rottweiler hip dysplasia. Unfortunately, hip dysplasia is a common occurrence with dogs, potentially causing even more orthopedic problems. This skeletal condition is more common with larger dogs, which is why Rottweilers are more susceptible to it than some smaller […]

Grade Three Heart Murmur IN a Puppy

Grade Three Heart Murmur In A Puppy

A heart murmur is a worrying term for both humans and dogs, but how serious is a grade three heart murmur in a puppy? Despite the most natural concerns, a heart murmur might be a completely harmless occurrence. It could, however, also be a sign of something serious. In today’s article, we’ll be taking a […]

Old Dogs Eating Dirt

Old Dogs Eating Dirt

Among many weird things dogs will do – it’s not uncommon to find old dogs eating dirt for no obvious reason. There can be many reasons behind this, some of which even share similarities with humans. However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take this seriously. In today’s article, we’ll take a very close look […]

My Dog Gets Hiccups a Lot

My Dog Gets Hiccups A Lot

“My dog gets hiccups a lot – is something wrong?” is not an uncommon question among worried Rottweiler owners! Hiccups occur not only with humans, but other animals too, and dogs are definitely on that list. Most of the time, they’re just a normal occurrence, but they can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying […]

Why Are My Rottweiler’s Eyes Red?

Rottweiler's Eyes Red

Bloodshot eyes can be a disturbing sight to see with both humans and dogs, with many owners asking “Why are my Rottweiler’s eyes red?”. This can mean a lot of things, just the way it can mean a lot of things with humans. Sometimes it’s a symptom of something more serious, but it’s most likely […]

Rottweilers with Down Syndrome

Rottweilers With Down Syndrome

Syndrome Down is a chromosomal condition usually found in people, but many Rottie owners wonder if there are Rottweilers with Down syndrome. This condition usually displays through physical and cognitive characteristics, as well as issues with health. However, can dogs even get Down syndrome? If not, what are some conditions that dogs can have? Can […]

Why Does My Rottweiler Shed So Much?

Why Does My Rottweiler Shed So Much

Rottweilers have a thick coat, dropping hair everywhere, begging the question: why does my Rottweiler shed so much? These beautiful dogs really do shed a lot, which is a completely natural process of renewing their coat. However, if it represents a problem for you, there are a few things you can do to make it […]

Three Best Training Collars For Rottweilers

Three Best Training Collars For Rottweilers

Training collars can be very useful tools when it comes to disciplining your dog, but what are the best training collars for Rottweilers? In this article, we’ll take a deeper look into training collars, learning how they work, finding the pros and cons of using them, deciding whether your pup could benefit from a training […]

Nickname For Rottweiler

Nickname For Rottweiler

Rottweilers are very famous for their strength, tenacity, and power, that’s why another nickname for a Rottweiler is an homage to those traits. You can name your dog virtually anything. This doesn’t mean, however, that you should. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular names for Rottweilers, as well […]

Dog Is Limping But It Shows No Pain When Touched

Dog Is Limping But It Shows No Pain When Touched

Small injuries are common with dogs, however, what’s happening if your dog is limping but it shows no pain when touched? The anatomy of the dog is just as complex as human anatomy, and there can be many reasons behind your dog’s limping. It’s best not to panic for no reason and inform yourself as […]