Female Rottweiler Weight Chart

Rottweilers are very large dogs, there’s no going around that, and following a female Rottweiler weight chart can help in maintaining a healthy weight. There are vast differences between male and female Rottweilers, and some would say that those differences are much more obvious with them than with other breeds. In today’s article, we’ll be […]
Entropion In Rottweilers – Important Facts

Entropion might sound like a big, scary word, but it’s luckily a treatable condition. Entropion in Rottweilers can occur just like with any other dog, which is why it’s important to inform yourself of the symptoms and possible ways of treatment. In today’s article, we’ll be learning exactly what entropion is and how to treat […]
Rottweiler Puppy Growls When Picked Up

Even though we might see them as our babies, not all dogs like being manhandled, and if your Rottweiler puppy growls when picked up, you should take it as a clear sign that you’re doing something wrong. In today’s article, we’ll be learning the dos and don’ts of handling dogs and figuring out exactly what […]
Three Best Chew Toys For Rottweiler Puppies

Chew toys are very important for tooth development and cleaning, especially with young dogs, and the best chew toys for Rottweiler puppies is what we’re after in today’s article. If you want your dog to keep their teeth healthy and make sure that they grow properly, chew toys are a must. In today’s article, we’ll […]
The Original American Rottweiler Weight

If you’re looking to buy a Rottweiler, you must know that there are different Rottie families, so you might be wondering about American Rottweiler weight, height, and other differences in comparison to the standard German Rottweiler. In today’s article, we’ll be exploring this separate group of Rottweilers to learn what makes them different from the […]
Are Rottweilers Good Apartment Dogs?

If you’re looking for a dog and you live in an apartment, you might be wondering are Rottweilers good apartment dogs – after all, you don’t want to buy a dog that’s not going to fit into enclosed living spaces. Rottweilers are large dogs, and people know that this could be a problem with apartments. […]
Rottweiler Courageous Temperament

There are many things that make Rottweilers such desirable dogs, and the famous Rottweiler courageous temperament is definitely part of that. These dogs are very well known for their natural herding abilities and their natural protective instincts, which makes them popular as both guard dogs and as family dogs. In today’s article, we’ll be taking […]
Doberman vs Rottweiler Size

If you’re undecided between a Doberman and a Rottweiler, the debate of Doberman vs Rottweiler size might bring some peace of mind, especially if you have a limited amount of space in your home. Not all large dogs are the same and they can’t all fit in the same space. In today’s article, we’ll be […]
Do Rottweilers Have An Undercoat?

Given that Rottweilers can so easily stay in the cold without it bothering them, many owners ask do Rottweilers have an undercoat? Today, we can easily tell the difference between coat and fur, as well as short-haired and long-haired dogs. In today’s article, we’ll be taking a very close look at the coat of a […]
Can You Shave A Rottweiler?

Different breeds of dogs have different requirements when it comes to grooming, prompting the question ‘can you shave a Rottweiler?’ amongst Rottie owners. There are, actually, a few intricacies when it comes to Rottweilers’ coats, and in today’s article, we’ll be taking a very close look at it, determining how to care for it and […]