Last Updated on September 20, 2021 by

A full-blooded Rottweilers are a strong breed that boasts of great stamina originated from the Romans and is one of the best pets today.

It is one of the most gentle playmates and tough protectors you will ever get for your family.

A male Rottie stands from 24 to 27 inches at the shoulder, and females run slightly smaller and lighter. Its shiny, short black coat with smart rust markings add an outstanding beauty to this dog.

It has thickly muscled hindquarters that provide it with an effortless trotting gait. A well-bred and properly trained Rottie is calm and confident without being unduly aggressive.

The aloof behavior in this excellent breed shown to outsiders covers its playfulness and downright silliness that Rotties are full of.  Early training and socialization will positively train your dog.

How To Tell If It’s Full-Blooded Rottweiler Puppies

Are you wondering how to tell if yours is a pure breed Rottweiler puppy or not?  We will look at the features of this dog to ascertain what it’s like.

This breed is one of the many recognized by the American Kennel Club as an official breed since 1931.  This deep-chested dog adorns a muscular frame and a blocky head and weighs as much as 135 pounds for males and up to 100 pounds for females.

It has a life expectancy of about 10 years and is quite smart and trainable, especially when trained in its young days.

Let’s look at the physical features of purebred Rottie puppies

Physical Build Body Details Of A Full-Blooded Rottweiler

A purebred Rottweiler has a well-built body with a robust and well-muscled neck, broad chest, and strong shoulders. It also has rounded, compact feet and upper thighs that are long and sinewy. Many Rottweilers bred as show dogs have a docked tail close to the body, revealing the healthy backside.

Rottweiler Eyes and Ears

A purebred Rottweiler purebred features a medium-sized head that is quite broad in between the ears.  Its eyes are dark brown, almond-shaped, and deep-set, often appearing alert and confident in their expression.

Rottweilers ears are triangular in shape, medium-sized, and widely set atop the head.

 pure breed rottweiler puppy

Learn more about: How To Tell How Big A Puppy Will Be; A Closer Look

Their Coat and Coloring

A purebred Rottie will have a coarse but straight outer coat of medium hair length laying flat against the body. This dog also adorns an undercoat that doesn’t peek out from his outer coat.

Rottweiler’s coat colors tend to be black with mahogany or rust markings located over the eyes, cheeks, muzzle, throat, inside the rear legs, and forelegs.

Its coat allows moderate shedding to brush it at least once a week to keep the coat shiny and clean.  Twice a year in the spring and fall, the fur falling increases requiring brushing at least twice a day.

Rottweiler Breed Temperament

Purebred Rottweilers are highly intelligent with a willingness to learn attitude.  When trained from a young age, they learn discipline and follow instructions respecting their leader and easily obeying.  With good direction and tasty rewards for being a good boy or girl, the Rottweiler puppy grows up to be loyal and a loving member of the family.

Rotties can also be somewhat stubborn and aloof around strangers. However, a well-bred, properly trained, and socialized Rottweiler shouldn’t be aggressive or dangerous to strangers.

Questions and Answers To Help You Know If Your Dog Is A Full-Blooded Rottweiler

  1. My Rottweiler has white spots; is it purebred?  Unfortunately, American Kennel Club sets the breed standard of this dog and penalizes Rottweilers with white markings. The standard set markings for this breed should be either rust or mahogany.  A white marking on any Rottweiler constitutes a serious fault.
  2. My Rottie’s coat is slowly turning white. Is this normal?  The reason why your dog’s fur is turning white is that it may be suffering from vitiligo. Vitiligo is a rare skin condition that causes pigment loss in certain areas of skin and fur.  Vitiligo is sporadic in dogs, but Rottweiler is one of the dogs affected.
  3. Do Rottweilers get darker as they age?  Rottweilers can have changes occurring on their coat which is taken either negative or positive.  The darkening of the skin can be due to a normal ageing process or something serious that affects the dog’s health. Changes in color of the dog can be taken positive or negative or both ways as it can be because of a normal ageing process or a serious condition that is affecting the dogs.   The dog’s coat color could become lighter or darker depending on the conditions it’s facing.
  4. How can I tell if my Rottweiler is purebred?  It’s easy to tell if your Rottweiler is purebred or not just by looking at the markings on the body.  Purebred Rotties have an all-black shiny coat or black with some markings colored mahogany or rust.  All black Rottweilers are rare, but they are still available.
  5. Are all Rottweiler puppies born all black?  Most newborn Rottweilers are born with some lighter markings in some body parts.  Some Rottweilers, however, start mostly black all over only to have their markings gradually develop in the first few weeks.


Now that we know what full-blooded Rottweilers look like, it’s best to ensure you get a pure breed from the right breeder.

The breeder should provide the right paperwork that shows the history of the breeds, veterinary care, and the puppy’s health condition.

Any breeder who does not supply you with paperwork is trying to hide some information from you and might not sell you a purebred Rottweiler.

Insist on the purebred records to know the truth of the breed you are investing in.  If you want to breed a show dog, you cannot afford to buy puppies from a non-registered breeder because they will be canceled out or penalized in the shows.

Ensure your purebred has its standard features intact to scoop those awards you always dreamt of.

There is nothing more fun than enjoying raising your puppy, knowing it is purebred.  And you have every opportunity to raise any breed of dog you ever want.  All the best on your journey!

Read more about: How Much Do Rottweilers Cost: A Complete Guide

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