What Are The 7 Most Common Rottweiler Diseases? This Vet’s Advice

If you’re a Rottweiler owner, or thinking of getting a Rottie, you should know the most common health issues that this breed can get. As a veterinarian with over 20 years of experience working with Rottweilers, I’m going to discuss below these issues as well as give you practical and useful advice about how to […]
Three Most Important Factors That Affect Rottweiler Head Shapes
I believe that the best part of every Rottweiler is their head shape. It gives each dog a distinctive personality and makes it easier to differentiate one dog from another in a group of Rotties. As a veterinarian who has worked with Rotties for over two decades, there are certain looks that I just prefer […]
3 Best Rottweiler Pajama Pants

Many people decide to dress their dogs up, and as a Rottie owner, you might be looking for the best Rottweiler pajama pants. There are many pros and cons to dressing up cons which we’ll get into later, but no one can deny the fact that dogs look super cute in onesies. In today’s article, […]
Rottweiler Giving Birth First Time

A Rottweiler giving birth the first time is always a stressful period for both the dog and the owner. The best way to relieve this stress is to learn everything there is to know about dog maternity. In today’s article, we’ll be taking a close look at the process of giving birth and what you […]
When to Neuter a Rottweiler?

If you’re not looking to breed your dog, it might be best to neuter it, which is why many owners wonder when to neuter a Rottweiler. This is a routine procedure that most vets are comfortable with, but it’s still an invasive procedure. Because of this, it’s best to take a look at all the […]
Rottweiler Puppy Exercise Chart

Rottweilers are very active dogs that require constant exercise from an early age, which is why some owners make a Rottweiler puppy exercise chart. By regularly exercising your Rottie, you’re ensuring that they stay healthy and fit for a very long time. In today’s article, we’ll be taking a look at the wanted level of […]
How Common Is Arthritis IN Rottweilers

There are many illnesses that bother both dogs and humans, arthritis being one of them, making Rottweiler owners wonder how common is arthritis in Rottweilers. There are a few myths surrounding these large dogs, insisting that they’re more prone to arthritis than some smaller breeds. However, is there any truth to this? In today’s article, […]
Symptoms Of Rottweiler Health Problems

Illnesses manifest through symptoms, so it’s important for you to learn what are the symptoms of Rottweiler health problems. A dog can show that they’re in pain or that they’re ill in many different ways. The most appropriate reaction to any of these is taking your dog to see the vet, and in today’s article, […]
Length Of Rottweiler Gestation Period

If you own a Rottweiler and you’re interested in breeding, knowing what’s the length of the Rottweiler gestation period is important information. Just like with humans, pregnancy and giving birth is a serious process with dogs. That’s why it’s important to understand the entire process before you decide to breed or not to breed your […]
Pros and Cons Of Owning a Rottweiler

If you’re considering getting a Rottweiler, you should definitely learn all the pros and cons of owning a Rottweiler. These dogs are a breed of their own with specific needs and tendencies. In order to form a good relationship with the dog and cohabitate healthily, it’s crucial to learn how to take care of them […]